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Each Scout and Adult Leader is required to have a uniform, complete with all patches and insignia properly placed. Uniforms are to be worn to all Troop meetings and functions unless instructed otherwise. When the uniform is worn, it should be worn with respect. The uniform provides a strong feeling of companionship with other Scouts as well as identification with the aims of the Scouting program.

Unless allowed otherwise by the Scoutmaster-in-Charge of a particular outing, Class “A” or “B” uniforms are required to be worn in transit to and from all outings, including Summer Camp, for Scouts and Adult Leaders. Regardless of uniform requirements, Scouts are expected to dress neatly, and in a manner that is appropriate to the outing. Class “A” uniforms are mandatory for all Chapel and Flag ceremonies.

During the summer months, we change to a Class “B” uniform. The Class “B” uniform consists of a red polo shirt with BSA emblem. Appropriate shorts or pants are to include the BSA belt and buckle. Summer Camp requires both Class “A” and Class “C” uniforms.

Uniform, patrol and Troop number patches, and Denver Area Council insignia may be purchased at the Denver Scout Shop (at the Denver Area Council headquarters location). If, for some reason, you cannot get a uniform, please discuss this with the Adult leadership. Many boys have outgrown their uniforms and the Troop encourages “recycling” them. Ask the Scoutmaster for the person who handles used uniforms.


  • SHIRT – BSA long or short sleeve shirt with appropriate insignia; shirt must be fully tucked into the pants.
  • INSIGNIA – USA flag, World Crest, numerals “794,” Denver Area Council patch, patrol patch (if available), rank patch, Quality Unit patch (current year – if applicable), leadership patch (if applicable), red epaulets (green for Adventure Life and Eagle Scouts), and name tag.
  • NECKERCHIEF – Special neckerchief provided by the Troop at achievement of Scout rank, or on initial registration for transfer Scouts.
  • SLIDE FOR NECKERCHIEF – “Pewter” Boy Scout slide, or appropriate hand-made slide; rubber bands, paperclips, or similar slides are not acceptable.
  • PANTS OR SHORTS – Scout trousers or shorts, worn at the waist; clean, neat pants or shorts are acceptable, provided that they do not conflict with the uniform. Blue jeans or cotton pants are acceptable, Hawaiian print jams, sweat pants, “sagged” pants, and similar items are not acceptable.
  • BELT – Scout webbed belt and buckle.
  • SOCKS – Green Scout socks are preferred, but socks appropriate in color to the uniform are permitted.
  • SASH – Scout sash to display merit badges.
  • TROOP BERET – Provided by the Troop upon achievement of Tenderfoot rank, must add BSA patch (not for Adult).
  • PEN or PENCIL – To write with; part of the required Scout uniform!
  • ROPE – For “Knot of the Day”, and knot-tying activities during regular meetings. The first rope is provided to Scouts. Replacements for lost rope are your responsibility. Use some duct tape or other means to label it with your name. Star, Life and Eagle Scouts are provided with special yellow, red and white, and blue and white braided ropes. When replacing a rope, please make sure it is the appropriate color for your rank.
  • CAMPING TOTEM – Given after attendance at the first outing event, worn on the right side of the belt, displaying event coups. To recognize a Scout’s participation in camping and special outings, Troop 794 has adopted the use of Camping Totems, which display colored coups given to the Scout for each qualifying event. Qualifying events are Troop or Patrol campouts of at least one night, Camporee, Scout Camps, National High Adventure trips like Philmont, Sea Base, and Boundary Waters. The colors of the coup represent the special event or the prevailing weather of the event (for instance, green – fair weather, black – rain, white – snow, blue – colder than 32 degrees, clear – below 0 degrees, red – Scout Camp, yellow – Camporee, orange – National High Adventure).
    If a Scout jacket is desired, the fleece-lined red nylon jacket is suggested.

The Scout uniform is designed to be both sharp and functional. It should be worn for all Scouting activities. Uniform “checks” will be conducted periodically at Troop meetings. Activities for which uniforms are not required will be announced at Troop meetings.

Note: Scouts are not to wear or display on their equipment any BSA official insignia of rank higher than that which they have attained, including accessories such as stave medallions.

Some of these items will need to be hand or machine sewn in place. In an effort to keep expenses down, the official Scout trousers are not required. Rank patches must be sewn on the uniform and not displayed in plastic patch holders. Part of team spirit is developed from the Scouts wearing their uniforms.

PARENTS: Please help teach your son to look in the mirror to see that their uniform looks presentable. It is disrespectful to wear a Scout uniform in sloppy fashion. Help your son determine just how ready they are to participate in the Troop meetings (sharp-looking uniform, handbook, binder, something to write with, money due?, requirements to sign off?, merit badge request or to sign off?, etc.). Check your son before leaving home and you will be able increase the productivity of our meetings. Don’t just drop them off! Come on in and say Hello and find out what’s happening at the meeting so you can ask your son questions about the evening activities. THANK YOU!

To See Where To Place Your Patches and Emblems on Your Uniform, Click Here.

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