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MHC T794B Merit Badge Process

The authoritative source of information on Merit Badges is at

MHC T794 encourages every scout to complete first class before starting the merit badge process with exception of merit badge work completed at summer camp, camping or first merit badge.  Gaining strong skills with the Scoutcraft learned in the early ranks is very important and the merit badge process is often more effective once the foundational Scoutcraft is in place. That said, if a scout is very interested in specific merit badges or those badges align well to other activities, such as school activities, then the scout can pursue those badges.  However, that should remain secondary to Scoutcraft and rank advancement.

To ensure quality and consistency of programming, T794 policy is that Eagle-required merit badge work may only be completed at summer camp or under the supervision of a T794 merit badge counselor for that merit badge.

MHC T794 scouts are welcome to attend merit badge colleges on their own and complete any elective (non-Eagle required) merit badge. They still need to get a blue card for each MB and be assigned a counselor if they cannot complete the entire MB at the college.  DAC hosts merit badge colleges at Colorado Adventure Point.

Here is a summary of the MHC T794 recommended merit badge process

  • The scout develops an interest in a merit badge subject.
  • The scout checks the current requirements at
  • With the T794 MB Coordinator, the scout discusses their interest in the merit badge subject and asks for a signed blue card and counselor contact info.
  • The scout contacts the counselor requesting counseling.
  • The scout checks out and reads the pamphlet from the troop librarian, other sources or obtain pertinent material from online resources.
  • The scout shall print out and fill out the workbook that can be found at usscouts, boyscouttrail or
  • The scout shall meet with their assigned, registered counselor and either a second registered adult leader or the scout’s parent or guardian.
  • The scout has the counselor sign the Unit Record and the Applicant Record portions of the blue card when complete. The counselor retains their record.
  • The scout obtains their Scout Master’s signature on the Applicants Record.
  • The scout turns in the Unit Record and the Applicant Record to the MB Coordinator.
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