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Troop 794 meets weekly on a year-round basis. Meetings are held every Thursday evening from 7:00 to 8:30pm at Mission Hills Church – 620 Southpark Drive in Littleton, CO 80120.

Troop 794 does not meet during the weeks of Summer Camp in June, Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years.

Eligible Applicant

To join Troop 794 a boy must be younger than 18 years of age, and:

  • Completed the fifth grade, or is 11 years old,
  • Has earned his Arrow of Light Award in Cub Scouts.

Visit Our Troop

To set-up a troop visit or stop by for a hands-on look at how Troop 794 operates please contact us for more information.

Visit the ‘Upcoming Events’ page to view our current calendar of Troop activities including meetings, outings and events.

Annual Membership Dues

The annual membership fee to join Troop 794 is $129 per scout. Troop 794 provides a sibling discount if more than one scout joins, the sibling fee is $89 per each additional scout. Membership fees are due by February 1 each year in conjunction with the National BSA Charter renewal. Check or exact cash are currently accepted. Dues are non-refundable.

Outing & Activities Costs

Troop 794 schedules over nine weekend outings per year. At a minimum there is a $20 food cost for each outing plus additional cost to cover campground fees, consumables and transportation. Summer Camp and High Adventure outings have higher costs that are offset by fundraising.


Troop 794, Denver Area Council and the National BSA have need-based scholarships available. Troop 794 believes that every boy who wants to be a part of Boy Scouts regardless of your family’s financial status should be able to participate. If you need further assistance please contact the Troop Treasurer for details on scholarships.

Medical Forms

All scouts and any parent who plan to attend Troop activities or outings must have a current BSA Medical Form, part A/B, copy of their individual Health Insurance Card and OTC form (scouts only) on file. A doctor’s signature is not required. Those attending outings that exceed 72 hours must have a physical exam (BSA Med Form, part C) signed by their health care provider. Please visit our forms page for medical forms.


Scouting is for families, not just scouts. Troop 794 is a healthy & vibrant Troop, which reflects its parent volunteers. All parents are asked to volunteer their time and talent to support Troop 794 in an ongoing manner. New scout parents are asked to take the first 3-6 months to acclimate to Troop 794 and take advantage of all the BSA training available before volunteering. All adult volunteers must be at a minimum Youth Protection Trained (YPT) before they can participate.

A Scout is…Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Clean, Brave and Reverent.

Troop 794 adheres to the principles of the Scout Oath, Law and Outdoor Code. All scout & adult participants that are unwilling to uphold these principles will be asked to leave. Membership is voluntary and subject to the oversight of the Chartered Org Rep and Committee Chair.

The above information is a brief overview, please read Troop 794’s Policies for complete details.

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