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Troop 794 is a Christian Troop, which challenges every Scout to advance to the rank of Eagle. The journey to Eagle is intended to provide the boys with challenging and fun activities; knowledge of lifelong skills such as leadership, planning, first-aid, knots, orienteering, and numerous other outdoor skills; and the strength and conviction to model themselves after Jesus Christ. It is our intent to provide each and every Scout with an environment that is pleasing to God at all times, where he can demonstrate a Scout is Reverent. We also require Scouts to show respect to adults, and to each other. We do not allow foul language, dirty jokes, pushing or hitting. We desire to provide a safe haven where parents know that their boy is safe at all times.


Mission Hills Church
620 SouthPark Drive
Littleton, Colorado 80120
Phone: 303.794.3564


It is the responsibility of both Mission Hills Church and Troop 794 to ensure that the Adult Leaders are appropriate Christian role models at all times. BSA requires Youth Protection Training for adults who are involved with any Troop activities, whether serving as a Leader, Merit Badge Counselor, attending Summer Camp, helping with meetings, or being on an outing; and you must have a valid certification card in your possession. Youth Protection training may be completed online at the Denver Area Council website; or in a classroom setting as a special training session; or as part of the New Leader Essential training (certification must be updated annually).

Troop 794’s Boy Scout program operates year round. We accept new members anytime. You’re always welcome to visit us at a Troop meeting if you want a hands-on look at how we operate. When you’re ready to join, we will get you an application and get you plugged-in to a Patrol.

Check our Calendar page to find out our next meeting date and time. Our Troop meetings are every Thursday evening from 7:00 to 8:30PM, at Mission Hills Church at 620 SouthPark Drive in Littleton, CO 80120.

As you can probably see, we keep a pretty full calendar of activities and events. Boy Scouting is for families and we try to keep most of our events open to all family members. Boy Scouting provides opportunities for families to work and play together, to have fun together, and to get to know each other a little better. The Boy Scout handbook provides hours of activities and skills for you and your son to work on together at home. Every activity in the book helps your son earn awards and advance through theScout ranks. The success and quality of our Scouting program and of your own son’s success depends on your involvement.

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